How to use แร่ธาตุสกัด Minerals4Face

Clean your face with a good soap and clean water for 20 seconds.
Let your skin dry by itself and do not use a towel etc.

Spray 2 times up to down both sides of your face. You really don’t need more than this.
If you use more, you will just waste your money, because Minerals4Face is a highly efficient Serum. It is a food for your skin cells. Don’t worry if it doesn’t cover all your face. The blood circulation of your skin will bring it everywhere to your face.

3 minutes after the application of Minerals4Face active Serum, you can use make up or sun blocker if you want. There will no complications with other products, because we don’t use any chemicals in our product.

After you use Minerals4Face active Serum, you usually doesn’t need to use any cream.

Enjoy Minerals4Face up to 2 times per day. Minerals4face active serum stays active for about 10 hours on your skin and keeps it charged.

Minerals4Face active Serum can be used for Adults and even Babies, for the face, or any other sensitive Skin on your body. It can help your skin to stay young and look more fresh and beautiful. But Minerals4face can much more than this. Keep it with you when you leave your home. Use it for your eyes if you feel tired when you drive a car or work on the computer. Use it when you got a small cut or scratch on your skin. The Spray is hypoallergenic, which means, it can be used by allergic people and even will help you if you have an allergy to reduce the itchy feeling and it help your body to heal itself. It can help for small burning injuries like from a Motorbike exhaust.
Use it for your Children and baby if they got scratched or bit from a Mosquito or Ant. But be always sure that if an animal bite you or your beloved, to double check it with your skin doctor. There are dangerous spiders etc. outside there, and if they bite you, you need a treatment from your doctor. Also if you have an accident and you got dirt into the wound, go to see your doctor.

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